
5 Fascinating Facts About Invisalign

May 02, 2024
5 Fascinating Facts About Invisalign
If you’ve been considering Invisalign® as a metal-free way to straighten your teeth, there are a few things you should know — including these facts that highlight what sets these clear aligners apart. 

The days when you needed to fill your mouth with metal to get a straight smile are long gone. With clear plastic aligners, you can gently move your teeth into their desired positions. Invisalign® gives you a way to get a straight smile without noticeable metal braces. 

That’s why our team offers Invisalign here at LA Dentists Group in Glendale, California. These aligners give us a way to address a wide range of smile problems, from overbites to gaps in your teeth. You can visit our office to see if this treatment option is right for your smile goals.

If it is, there are a few things you should know: 

#1: The aligners are completely customized to you

Not only are the Invisalign aligners 3D printed to fit precisely over your teeth, but they also get trimmed to match your specific gum line. This gives you a comfortable fit while also helping to minimize the visibility of the aligners. 

#2: You get time without them

Unlike traditional braces, which get cemented to your teeth, Invisalign aligners simply slip over your teeth. For the best results, you need to wear them 20–22 hours a day.

That leaves you plenty of time to do what you want, whether that’s enjoying your favorite meal, giving a presentation at work, or playing sports. You get to pick when you wear your aligners — and when you don’t — making them easy to integrate into your lifestyle. 

#3: That makes brushing and flossing easier

Because you can take your aligners out, you don’t need to do anything special to maintain your oral health. You can continue brushing and flossing normally without having to thread floss under an archwire or brush around a bracket. This is one of the biggest benefits of Invisalign. 

#4: Invisalign doesn’t require as many dental appointments

Traditional braces require manual adjustments to continue moving your teeth into their desired positions. With Invisalign, you wear one aligner for the prescribed time (usually, 1–2 weeks), then swap to the next aligner in your set. That allows you to make progress toward your smile goals without regular trips to your dentist.

We usually schedule a handful of check-in appointments as you move through treatment to ensure Invisalign is working like it should. But you’ll need significantly fewer dental visits than you would with traditional braces. 

#5: It’s tried and true

This isn’t some newfangled, untested treatment option. Over 17 million people have already used Invisalign to improve their smiles. 

If you want to learn more about how Invisalign can help you reach your smile goals, call our office or book your appointment online.